All in Retirement

The hidden problems in your nonprofit 403(b)

What is a 403(b) and why does it exist? If you’ve ever asked you were probably told ‘it’s the nonprofit version of a 401(k)’ and that’s true more or less. The 403(b) was indeed created by Congress 1958 specifically for nonprofit organizations. It is the grandparent of the 401(k). 403(b) plans are fine if set up correctly, but there are many bad ones with lousy investments and high fees sold to trusting nonprofits by consultants and brokers that are not fiduciary financial advisors.

You won't believe how much your pension is really worth.

On a coarse level, it was the German Empire under William I and Otto von Bismarck that created the first general (non-military) welfare program for older workers introducing the concept of retirement for the working class. It was a plan, along with mandatory health insurance, to counter growing support for Marxism. One would get a modest pension from the state at age 70, a seemingly cynical choice for a population with a life expectancy in the mid 40’s that was declining.

Do you have a SARSA?

Have you heard of the SARSA? The ‘Super Awesome Retirement Savings Account?’ No, you haven’t because it doesn’t exist. Instead, it’s stupidly called a ‘Healthcare Savings Account’. Do you have one? Are you maxing it out ($3,600 single, $7,200 family) and not spending it? You should.