Guidance for tough financial questions

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Will I have enough to retire?

Retirement income planning is the big question nearly every person faces. Our job is to ensure you do not run out of money in retirement. That takes disciplined lifetime equity investing, monitoring and accountability.

How can I get more out of life?

Make your money support your best life. Instead of ‘When do you want to retire’, we ask questions like ‘If you had just enough money to pay the bills but did not have to work, what would you do with your life?’   David learned the importance of asking the big questions when Trish passed away and was left with two young daughters.  He found a way to travel the world in her memory and though it was costly, it was worth every penny.  Lifetime Financial wants to help you make those same kind of life-affirming choices, and to feel financially free doing so

What if something happens to me? What if I get sued? What if my partner becomes disabled?

These are real risks, we can attest. We will look at your insurance portfolio and make sure you are insured at the right levels. In addition we’ll look at your estate paperwork and make sure that’s in order. Tragedy is difficult enough without having to worry about unplanned finances.

Am I missing financial opportunities? Can I save on taxes? Is my 401k optimized?

These are important questions. We will look at your investment portfolio and tax management closely. Small changes implemented every year with discipline can make a huge difference in the long run.

How will I afford college for my children?

This is one of the biggest challenges for the families we support.

If your children are young you have time on your side, but less income. If your children are nearing college, you may have higher income but you are running out of time. It’s a catch-22.

There are no easy answers. We can help you find the right balance.

I just separated, divorced, became widowed, or got laid off. What do I do?

Please get in touch. We have personal experience with all of these and know the difficulty and worry you are feeling.

You’ll be grappling with so many issues, feelings and challenges. Having good financial support is an essential foundation for surviving life’s toughest challenges.

Will I leave anything to my children or charity?

For the average nonprofit professional, the answer is ‘probably not’. Generational wealth and philanthropic bequests take some planning and discipline even at modest levels. We can help develop a plan that increases your chances at leaving money to heirs or a beloved charity.