All tagged values

How will you change your life?

My favorite book last year was the “The Myths of Happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky. In a year end ‘best of’ post, the website and magazine Financial Planning featured my book choice along with the favorite titles of a dozen other planners. Having come through my own tough life events, I opened this practice wanting to help people on a deep level.

Investment culture wars?

Conventional conservativism was traditionally pro-corporation, profit-first, and generally liked business to stay out of politics. But the more current version of conservativism is more explicitly anti-progressive, and is interested in more than profits.

Eating your own dog food

I want to travel more with my girls and one of the things we love is to scuba dive. So, I made the decision to go with both on a trip last summer. It felt financially scary because my risk-averse brain was telling me not to take a not-cheap vacation right then.

But I treasure the time spent traveling with them more than anything on the planet. Travel is what we do, it’s our identity. As my coach said: “What possibly could get in the way of something that important?”