A six-month lookback. I should put ‘Virgin’ in more of my titles. 

A six-month lookback. I should put ‘Virgin’ in more of my titles. 

Six months ago, I wrote my first weekly piece for this newsletter, or blog, if you prefer. Since then, many people have joined this little community and it’s growing quickly. The ‘open rate’ is triple the industry standard, so please spread the word to someone like you! (sign-up here.)   

My aim each week is to clearly explain complex investing and financial planning concepts in a five-minute read (under 750 words.) As Einstein quipped “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Along the way, I post helpful financial tips and news relevant to nonprofit professionals. 

I have fun doing it and I’m proud of the effort. I come from writers and musicians. I can’t play a musical note if my life depended on it, but I can write. Years back (2008-2016), I wrote a travel blog with enough words to fill three novels.    

Late at night, I would sit in internet cafes and hotel lobbies around the world, posting daily updates about our global travels. My life goal was to take the girls on international trips for 365 days, which we did; they’ve been to 40+ countries. Although logistically difficult, daily travel writing, even in 2009 in the Middle East is simple by comparison to this work.   

Each of these articles requires research, it’s not just musings. For every post you see here, there are dozens of articles read, half blogs written, and notes on scores of topics for future use. In the long run the real benefit of writing this blog is that it keeps me better informed for clients.   

For those of you that arrived recently, the top posts from the last six months, in order of popularity are: 

The lesson clearly is to put ‘virgin’ in more of my titles. 

If you have questions comments or ideas about the blog, please let me know. I love to hear from you.  david@lifetimefinancial.com.   

And if you know someone who is wants to get their financial act together, have them set up a consultation.   

The most important investing concept you won’t find explained on the internet 

The most important investing concept you won’t find explained on the internet 

Pursuing "enough" is harder than pursuing "more."

Pursuing "enough" is harder than pursuing "more."