All tagged emergency fund

A better way to manage your emergency fund.

The question I get the most is ‘Should I invest my emergency fund in the stock market?’ Bank interest rates are at all-time lows and are not rising with interest rate hikes any time soon. Banks have enough consumer deposits and don’t need to compete. With inflation surging and the S&P 500 returning a blistering 14.36 % for the last 10 years, it’s painful to see your .5% bank account lose money in real terms.

I-Bonds are all the rage!

I-bond purchases in the last two months of 2021 were almost equal to purchases the entire five years prior. They are offering 7.12% interest at the moment are very safe. If you can wait a year to get your money back a bit like a CD, they are an incredible choice for your ‘safe’ money.